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Sunday, December 13, 2009

23rd - 26th November 2009 Camp Pelangi ( Part 2 )

The Some OF the Scenes TOok Outdoor In the beach ! Oh Yeeeeeaaaaahhh ! I really enjoy swimming , Push My Fren Inside Water , Splash Water and usin Water Pistol ^^ . . Haha , really nice la. .i'm so lucky to come here and enjoy myself ! Here Are some pictures took in the beach ! Really awesome !

My Group Frens ! In the beach b4 Goin for our telematch !

From Left : kian ying , Me , Hong keat , Caleb and Yern Yee

In a line , waiting for orders by the facilitator . . Tis game is about searching for things around the sand ( I nt sure but is it treasure hunting :l ??? )

The sunset scenery , we are playin , swimming and bullying others haha ! But we onli can play for 30 minutes , awww . .bt cnt go deeper into the sea scare gt jellyfish . . haiz haiz , bt nvm la , at least we swim around also okay . . Come to our room , we all busuk and our clothes basah haha , wt to do ? juz mandi air panas . . then my room sure pack wit people because thy wn use the heater haha . . If collect money from them good also :)

Forward to last day 26th november 2009 , our last day in camp pelangi T^T .. hai ya , so sad to leave each other . .some are crying and hugging each other . .bt sad la , wish had more days to stay and hv fun awwww . . . Then the bus from muar supposed to arrive at 2pm , But delay ! we onli cn go back at 4.40pm =_= . . haiz haiz , but other thn tat , we play games and chat chat chat until the bus arrived haha . .sad to leave that place but we have good memories

Reach muar emmanuel church at 7pm , tat time we balik kampung T^T . .when reach home .. the 1st thing i do is facebooking and hv 5 new friend request :) . . Then , Tat Nite Sleep early and vry sick also =_= . .lack of sleep in tat camp

So there's where it Ends , I hope we hv a chance to meet each other again and hopefully is much more better ! I am Waiting to go again :) Peace My Frenz !

My Camp Pelangi Group Introduction ^_^

This is my group for tis year Camp pelangi ^^

From Left To Right !

Front Row : Hui Ni ( Papa ) and Shea Dee ( Mama )

2nd Row : Yee Chia ( Teacher ) , Caleb ( Narrator ) , Kian Ying ( Pai Kia )

3rd Row : Daniel ( Leader ) , Hong Keat ( " Ah Qua " ) , Yern Yee ( Policeman )

4th Row : Auntie Eing Siew ( Group Facillitator ) , Hui Ling ( Siao kia's Gf )

5th Row : See Wei ( Doctor ) , Shing Yee ( Siao Kia Sis )

This Is My Group's Name ^^ , They Are The Best :)

The Post given Is actually for drama in Our fun night ( 25th November ) Last Night , We Did not Win But At Least We Try Hahaha . . Well , i'm basically a leader Who Sleeps =_= , Afternoon go Bck to my room and sleep but i didn't even noe gt drama practise haiz haiz . .blur blur blur me @_@ . .

The drama acting was fun , Tittled " Syabu Syabu om Bak Bak " syabu Is a Type of Drug i took in drama ( i tk sweets :) ) The drama is about " siao kia who takes drugs --> Into Big Trouble --> And Become "Guai" kia " And nt More Thn 20 Minutes the Drama . .But After Tat I Was Dissapointed Bout Myself Tat Time , But She cheered Me Up Through SMS , She told "Me Tat It Juz A Drama , At least We tried" Win or Lose Also Nothing . . tat part Makes Me Feel From Moody To Happy ^^ . . I really thnk Her A Lot !

We celebrate Willie's Koh birthday together with auntie Eing Siew Too ^^ . . it was fun but tat night was our last night T^T , So we are allowed to stay up for the whole night . .u wan or dn wan sleep also cn . .i toooo sleepy so i sleep at 2.30am , cnt tahan at all . .

The next Post Is " 23rd-26th November 2009 Camp pelangi " ( part 2 ) Enjoy !

Credits to : My group ^^

My Camp Pelangi Pictures And Fun Time Part 1

23rd November - 26th November ( Part 1 )

When Reach Camp , Suprise To see the bed is so nice , and somemore my bedroom is the only room which has a heater shower !! WOW !! So , My room D7 Is a " Heater Room Service" No charges apply , but enter the namelist of the bathroom user haha , The BEst part tat the beach is so nice and the scenary is awesome :)

Then Worship time we sing song , dance here dance there and Group session We Discuss Bout Life and Our Personality . . Wat a nice night to be :) , Tis Is A pictures of the Scene durin praise and worship And also Group Discussion ^^

The Some Of the Picture In Indoors , Is Interesting , In the morning we have devotion , as for my group . .caleb will do the talk hahaha , but his funny and pure genius . . he's a nice guy with a great talent in piano . . But why i Kene choose to be leader in my group le =_= , why nt caleb T^T . .But anyway , i juz accept the fact tat i'm happy as a leader haha . . at elast i hv an experience to be a leader . .hopefully next year if i become a leader , i'll b a great leader :)

As For my group I'm happy For Them ^^ . . In the Next post , I'll talk About my group . . They're Nice peoples ^^ , Friendly and Meybe They Kene my Siao Sickness also :l , Juz Jokin Hahaha . . Tats All I hv to say about tis post

PArt 2 Will Be coming Up , Juz be Patience LA !

Friday, December 11, 2009

Finally Reach Camp Pelangi At Port Dickson !

From my Imagination , i tought tat place is gonna be a resort , gt swimming pool , Nice bedroom , Nice place and a New building . .then sure got buffet at Morning. . . From my suprise when i reach there =_= , Is nt wat i imagine . . . . . . opposite from my description , But the Place Is Cool And Nice yeeeahh !! CHanged my Mind :)
The Best Scenery Of the BEach , The Landscape And YEah ! the Sunset !!!

Those Are the Best Scenary Of the BEach And the place , it was Fun And interesting :)

Credits To : Albert And Auntie Mary Gan For the Beautiful Pictures :)

22nd November - 23rd November , Day b4 Camp Pelangi

Tat Night , I started feeling tat dam why i pay for tat camp . .2morrow goin dy , I dn wanna go T^T . . But wat to do , i payed liao . .So at Nite packing my stuff , testing out new baju and pants . . But lazy wan do the packing . . TROUBLESOME !!

So at nite when playing games , totally no mood and vry vry sleepy . .at Nite wn to sleep also vry hard , Worried bout 2morrow and half excited bout goin 2 camp suddenly . . Then suddenly sleep next morning wake up and yeah!! 2day i goin to camp pelangi dy ^^

23rd November 10 am : went for medical check - up in Clinic melaya , b4 goin there . .i saw jackson's car passing thru the traffic light haha , he went makan i guess . . Arrive clinic , hv to Wait 45 Minutes jus to gt medical check - up =_= Haiz haiz . .i already late and somemore jackson is goin my house somemore . .then 11 am finally my turn . .juz a 1 minutes check up and ok liao . .balik rumah

So at 11.40am , Jackson reach my house i go mandi and style my hair . . then makan maggie mee b4 leaving . . Then I head out to emmanuel church to wait for bus arrival . . waiting for bus for 15 minutes , inside bus already i noe some people who i long time dn meet . .my mum's ex tution students .. . Yeah , they recognise me but i cnt recognise them =_= . . . . . .

So then , Set Out to Port Dickson Golden Sand Resort ! Yeaaaahhhh !!!!!!!!

At Home Suckz !!!!

My timetable For Staying At Home

9 am :Wake Up -> On Computer , Facebooking
10am : Take Breakfast , Regular Sometimes Bread or MAggie mee and with tea
10.30 : Chatting wit fren on MSN , planning which game to plae
10.45: In sudden attack or Wolfteam playina nd shooting . .watching blood @_@ YEahh!!
12pm: Bath , Makan , watch tv
1.15 : On my computer , facebooking and playing games again
3.40: Is either I Sleep or Onlining
5.30: Go down makan Lunch , watch tv
6.45: Is either i go out or Onlining
8 pm : mAKan Dinner wit parents and watch tv
9 pm : Onlining and playing games
10.30: Facebooking
11.15: Playing games
12.30: Listening to My Mp3 ( NiteDreaming )
1am : Sleep Like Pig @_@

5 Reasons Why I'm Bein Called As An Emo, Altough I'm Not :l

1. I love to spend my time alone with my handphone while sitting on a chair , feelin boring and moodless

2. I'm Easily Depressed and Angry Easily

3. I Hv A Fringe That Looks Like an Emo , My hair isn't Spiky but I Juz Following Asian hairstyle :l ( makes me Wonder )

4. I alwayz wear black shirt sometimes white shrits with tight jeans

5. I cnt Control My Anger At ALL !

Makes Me Wonder , I'm Nt An Emo :l But Somehow Is it natural that i'm An Emo ? :l . .Those Are the Questions . .