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Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Freedom Continue

Weekdays Scedule Of Freedom

* 7 - 1pm - In School Doin Notin , Bully Ppl , Joke , Play , Sleep , Poker-ing , Unno-Ing , Chess-ing, lepak and Trepassing Into Library SSSHHH...!!!

*1.15pm - 4pm - Is either i Sleep , or Online , Eating Tats All.. i Dn read Books At ALL!!

4pm-6pm - Watch Tv , Eat Of COurse , Online

6-10pm - Playin CSO , CSO , CSO , CSO , WT , WT , Wt , WT only

10-11.30pm - Facebook-ing , Watchin TV and Than Sleep


9am-12an - Eat , Sleep , Play , Eat , Rest , Sleep , Eat , Online , Online , Rest , Sleep , Church , Play , CSO , CSO , WT , Watch Tv , Rest , Eat and Lastly Sleep

4-5th Days Of PMR

Tat Day Good La ! , Sunday Night Cn Sleep n Waiting 4 The next day :D , monday is semi-final , I jus 75% happy , I alwayz tought tat mathematic is sure gonna be very very tought , indeed == , vry tough for paper 1 and easy ! for paper 2 ^^ .. K la , At least i tried my Best good enough la .. Later Sejarah , i Can do but jus 7 questions really Kong Mong , I jus Tk A retangle Rubber , Throw It and Ka Boooom ! 3 times comes out A ! , 1 time come out C .. K la , Majority , i go With A La .. After Exam , I go lend Ah Moh's Paper and compare , end up i gt 49 out of 60 .. Liao , liao , liao !! 49 , Danger Zone ! If Cn gt A is Depends Nw .. Later Went hOME Happily ..

Last Day Of PMR , I woke up 5.15 Am in the morning , cn sleep anymore because tooo excited:D:D:D:D , On9 , See Videos And go Bath liao .. arrive school , everyone became siao kia .. laughin , plannin and bullyin or course ..Durin KH exam , I Sweating liao la .. So Hard T^T .. Espicially the Simpan Kira , Think Till Cnt think Already ... Luck cnt settle already like i Used in Sejarah Exam T^T .. onli God cn help me lor.. After tat , MERDEKA ! MERDEKA ! MERDEKA! MERDEKA! MERDEKA! MERDEKA! MERDEKA! .. Go to Eddie house and celebrate our freedom ^^

At the End Of the day , Freedom continues and will expired at 3rd January 2009 After tat , A Whole New Chapter of life and a brand new world ! Oh yeah ! Target For nxt year ... haven't consider yet ==

Friday, October 9, 2009

1st - 3rd Day Of PMR

My my , PMR .. Is jus a F**King Exam >< .. My brain Gonna Explode liao la ! Think too much ..
Why 1st-2nd day Exam so so Damn hard le !! Think till wn sleep in exam hall Zzz.. BM was Hard , I dn know If i cn gt "A" ... If hard, standard Low .. Meybe 70 Above "A" .. I confident cn gt 70% Above , Bt muz gt A !

BI was ok la , Objective gt 38 or 39 / 40 i happy la.. but essay i Piang liao la ! Tat Damn Article , i Forgot to Write "written By .. DAMN !! -5 Marks ! Tat Day was A Super Busy day on Thursday .. After BI , than my fren go out eat in a chinese stall .. YUMMY ^^!! .. i Terminum Coca-Cola , Nowonder science i cnt Even do Subjective because is so DAMN HARD ! my dad says , Even if Science 65% , Is "A" .. I Hope SO !!!!! Depend on Luck !

Today ( friday ) , Thank God Geografi Was Easy ^^ And i Manage to gt 52/60 ^^ Hahaha.. My class gt 1 all correct and some -3,-4,-5 , -7,-8 Wrongs :I .. Nw I hv to concentrate a lot on Sejarah , KH and Maths .. Juz these 3 Subjects .. Is Over ! PMR F**K Off!!

Cnt wait for Tuesday ! , i Gonna plan wat i gonna do for my holiday ^^

Thursday, October 8, 2009

* I seldom update my blog ! *

I'm irresponsible for not updating my blog for a long time .. after PMR , I'll try to update my blog about the life of me

I been busy lately and i seldom blogin nowadays .. i'm alwayz on facebook 24/7 non stop and watchin anime to release stress!

Soon PMR over, i update Everything !

Peace !

* A Day before PMR starts *

Hands Inset : Me , Boo seng hong , Jackson , Gabriel Lee , Eddie Lee , Ei Ming Choon , Sing Chen , Wee Pern , Justin , Moh Yee khim , Danny , Chee Hui And 1 More I Forgot ..

We decided to form a circle as a sign of nakama ( Best Friends ) + Good Luck And everything .. The picture were taken on 6th Of october By me usin Jackson Hp ( Lucky my bro brought , if nt.. dn hv ! )

As the circle says : We Are One Together !

Wish all Schools Form3 good Luck ! Peace