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Saturday, July 25, 2009

*St.Andrew Interact Year 2009 *

*I Promise That I Wont Do Things Or Plan The Last Minute*

I hv a habit of doing things and plan in the last minute, is just natural of me, whenever i do things in the last minute, i wont sucess in my life . I alwayz study at the "eleventh hour" , Tats why i so fucked up!! , i always promise my friend in the last minute but end up, i have trouble going to somewhere.. My frens will loose trust in me and they'll hate me more and will say I'm a liar~~ ==!!.

I wanted to go to Convent Interact, bt because of my stupidity, I let my frens down.. I ask Gan to book 1 ticket for me but end up i din come, i Plan nicely wit Willy And Albert that i will go, end up.. i Hv transportation problem.. i Feel so sorry, Onli Yesterday I Planned bout goin to tat interact. I Caused trouble!! Nw wat, The only thing i do is to apologize? i Guess Is too Late==!!! ,My frens lost trust in me. I Promise That I'll Never and ever plan Things last minute, Sry Willy, Albert And gan for troublin you all.. >:(

A Lesson For me To learn From Preventin Me To FUck Up more!

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Convent Canteen Day 4/7/09

I Waited for tis like 2 weeks, wakaka..the day finally arrived;D, Haiz haiz, Long time Din see Some of my old frens there for some time, They CHanged A LOT! Some i Took A long time to remember them , i keep flashback flashback hw i meet her, alamak..I Kene Amnesia. Nt bad la, the food there, Better than my school canteen day of course. So, spend money buy food, talkin to girls and money goes flyin around and round.

After tat, My frens go witchery And After that terus go popular buy things..later, go wetex wit my frens and they buy thier shirts there. I manage to buy wax as my wax habis. Then go buy dvd , Transformers revenge of the fallen. I belanja Albert buy tat DVD and in return he belanja me Mc Chicken:D, Good deal..(LUcky u go Mc donald :P). After wetex, i go to a shop buy medicine for my mum, Coincidence..I Meet jackson in his car haha, Jus next to my car. Then, go fetch my Frens bck.

I Love tat day, So Fun.. And, Eddie!! Why u Din go ==!! hai yaa...

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

The Legend Has Passed Away

Michael Joseph Jackson


The King Of Pop WHom I Love Since CHildhood, Passed Away On 25/6/09 , The Day When The World Has Lost the 1 and only Singer. He Death Reason Was Unknown, I and my friends were very sad, He 's A True Singer That We Loved. His songs Are Great, I Love all His songs. We Will Always Remember Him Forever, As The True King Of Pop. Heal The World

May God Be With You MJ .

King Of Pop, Michael Jackson.