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Thursday, June 4, 2009


1. My worst tuesday i had 2/6/09
2.La salle camp 2008
3. me, myself and my life.

I hv a lot more to update my blog, i am waiting for my frens to supply me some pictures. I was hoping if you can share me some pictures so i can edit. By the way, hv a good time reviewing my blog.

* The Worst Tuesday 2nd June 2009, Day i Must Forget ==!! *

2 / 6 /09 a: Tat was my worst day in my life, unexpected situation happends. I woke up in the morning, i can sense today sure got someting wrong ==!!, I went to school. Things are normal there, when it is 10 am, i went out of school for recess and eat in KFC. I ordered my meal, when the Mak cik Bring the food up.. She told me i didn't order the meal, i even paid for my food ==!. Lucky my fren there got back me up. The mak cik Bring the food up again, And again.. The food is wrong, i ordered is 2 piece of chick and she bring a Burger ==!, walao... cannot tahan, jus take onli.

when i go toilet, i wash my hands. i suddenly felt tat my handphone had lost. I was panic and trying to find my hp. Cnt be found T.T, my friends help me find for it also cnt find. ==!, it was 11.10 pm, OMG i nt in school yet. My friends say go lepak around astaka, ok la.. go play game, when enter. The kakak dun allow us play because wearing school uniform ==!.. 11.15 liao, rush back to school.

My friends and i are scared to go to school ebcause 11.35 liao, we 1 hour late!!! i wish my frens good luck hopefully noting happened. When i enter the class, Terus kene Boo liao!! ( I heard Chin yao And wen xiang Say bad thing at me liao loudly ==!! yare yare, embarresing) I forgot to bring my Bm paper work and kene marah by my teacher ==!

When at night i tution Mr.Wong( English Tution ) , My frens played a prank on me. Go toilet, they hide my chair and take my bag.. Walao, so so unlucky tat day. At nite, I look at the clock waiting for the dAy to end. I wish it was a nightmare -.-!!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

¥ 2008 , la salle expidition camp ¥ ( Official Post)

¥ Memories Of Andreans in la Salle Camp 2008 ¥

" A Short Briefing when we reach the camp, introduction of our Orgnising team"
The 1st day of la salle camp, we arrive here and put our laguage. we wearing our school kokurikulum shirt to show tat we are andreans. Its a one in a life time experience for us, The organizing Team are vry kind and consider our seniors and friends. We learn a lot from them and learn a lot of "jenis tepukan" . They are totally awesome! Witout them, tis camp is jus notin and is not worth it at all.

The Ot Are asking us to introduce ourself, The question display on the blackboard. I read it out for you:

a) Date of Birth
b) Hobby/ Interest

c) Colour Of Underwear
d) (cnt see clearly ) :(

e) Anyone Got gf ?!?

My group Presentation: From Left: Joshua, Me , Siva , Ryan , Sing chen

DUring our last year la salle camp, we have a great 2 days there, it was fun as i and my friends enjoyed activities there. It was a time of a life time experience. We learn many things and learn a lot of song. As a lassalian, we will be forever a lassalian ! La Salle! La salle! La Salle! , Our cara tepukan is " Tepuk Lassalian " and our cara Boo!! is " Tepuk kali muthu". There's more tepukan tat we learn.

Jackson Group Presentation : left : Honn yu,Darshan, Jackson , Chee hui , willy and eddie lee

We are making a project about an egg falling from 2 story house, hehe.. it was challenging, we manage to gather a lot of things tat we found in the gardden. Some eggs fell cracked some don't. But, it doesn't matter. We tried our best and there's noting for us to feel sad about. We did an excellent job making the egg.

Gabriel group presentation From left : Gabriel , Arvind , Ah fu , Yee khim and jian yao

Before we even start testing our projects, introduction bout and why did we build tat thing. Whats the purpose ? does it Work when the egg touchdown the group or it will break? Many types of egg name given haha. Creavity and Strength is the key to Win.

Alberts Group Presentation from left : Kevin , Albert , Ming Choon , Thanesh and Low jin xian

Basically, many of this group ahs done a great job creating thier egg falling project. Some eggs didn't break some break. As i told you, winning is isn't important. Whats important is, tat we put in our effort into the project. We don't need to be a shame if we win or lose :D

Boo's group presentation from left : nagulan, Ah toh , Boo seng hong , Ah Lee and brian goh

Efforts, Determination is the key of succeding! during our camp, there was a night when we are challenge to " GO UP A BUKIT WHICH IS SO DARK AND GET INTO THE HOUSE.. ALONE!!", Man, seriously..i tought they were joking bout tis.. some are scared and 1 cried ==!! . As those who wants to go to the bathroom, go up to the hill then go toilet.

Our Egg Models created by each group: so so nice and it is being test for which design can protect the egg from cracking when bein let go on a 2 story building

Our group farewell Card : Designed by gabriel and his team

Our group Farewell Card: Designed by boo and his team

The 1st night was hell ==!! Imagine, i was sleeping in a room with no fan but got light, no windows but jus a papan. It was Raining heavily, and the rain water enter my room. Our bed are soke with water.. haiz haiz, but the 2nd night, i sleep well.. No rain as we shared a room with my friend, there fan :D.. sleep soundly. But when we came back from the camp, we were extremely exhausted. come home then sleep for 2 hours. the nxt day in school, we sleep the whole time :D.

Haiz, 2 Mornings have to wake up at 7.30am For activities to start the day. We learn to corperate with each others and build up our friendship and bonds with our friends. Morning stretches is good for us as We on tat day hv a treasure hunting. Imagine, The place is " Bukit", we hv to run up and down jus to find a treasure tat leads us to the next clue . Each winning team Carries a lot of point and at the end of the day, we are rewarded with gifts :D

" Group Discussion"

This is Where we have our group meeting, we gather in a group and discuss about our project bout wat are we gonna do and make up with a plan. Normally, we are given 5 minutes to discuss. is hard to discuss as sometimes there some idea which are not suitable, but anyway we as lassalian. We are able to complish our mission easily and work together. Tats why, teamwork is important.

Pictures inset : Eddie and jackson

The 2nd activity is : BUilding a sandcastle on a beach. We are ought to build a sandcastle in the beach. The OT will use a stick and thier feet to step on our sandcastle while building it. We must protect our castle from bein damaged. When It "runtuh", we will build it again. We will keep on building the castle until the time stop. But there's a catch, our hand are tied up with our friends. i don't know whats tat for but it help us to "merapatkan Hubungan antara kawan " It was itneresting tough :D